Wednesday, October 29, 2014

When a chapter ends, a new chapter will start

As usual, a bad start for a new start. 
Went out early but got into a jam. Like seriously, 4 bus stops away to reach destination and I got into a jam like really. So got to internship on time than to be early. But never stop getting shits in my life so I just learn to chill it off anyway. 

And of course, not forgetting to mention the useless co-teacher who did stupid stuff as she does every day and she scratch my Evan hand lo. Stupid bitch sial really. DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE NAILS TO EVEN CUT EVAN. But she don't think she is the cause anyway. Aiya, if people learn to reflect the world would have been a a better place long ago la. 

Finally took my contact lens after soo soo long and just treat myself to some pasta. Presentation seems to be quite well prepared and done up. And yay, thanks to my pheebs I got blazer today without having to go Bishan at 7am tomorrow lo. 

Should start loving myself more again and then slowly start loving everyone else like I used to. 
Time to plan what I want for myself and get my life back to path again.
Some things about me might have changed, some things can never be undone, some mistakes that will need you to keep paying for the price slowly for the rest of your life. Regardless who caused it, or who is part of it, we will all forget over time. Its still left with you and your life to rectify, improve and pay it on your own. 

Throwback to 10 months back where I still look young and innocent. A girl who was ambitious, critical and confident. A little over confident maybe. But at least, a girl who is ever shining and a girl who never fail to be special in a manly and mature way. I promise friends, I will get it back in no time. I promise. 

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