Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When I Was Young

I remember when I was young, I hate business man. I hate business. I hate money. 
I thought they were the most horrible things on earth,
Where all the smiles, formalities and praises are fake. 
It's a breeding ground for greed in human.
And a killer to humanities. 

As I grow up, I got involved in this society. 
Money seems to get important. I need it for my meals.
Soon I needed it to fulfil my desires, which was set by what we call 'trends'. 

Then I grow up to realise, 
Money determines your status. It determines your popularity, It determines your friends, 
It changes your perception to how the world is, and it even starts to shape your life. 

Soon, I needed to live in this society on my own. I took up business, 
Something that used to be evil in my eyes. 
But this something evil can generate what I needed to survive 
In the fastest way. 

I realised I seem to be good at it. Logical mind, sales ideas, management skills.
I almost had it all. 
Money seems to be flowing in and I started expanding. Everything was good. 
I cannot even really remember why I hated business so much to begin with. 

I learnt.
We all conform to social norms one day.
We have to. 
It's the rule of survival. 

Three years down the road,
I decided to close down all existing business and start up with something new. 
I just started a social enterprise. I wanted to make business meaningful, 
Something that is beyond just greed. 
I want to put humanities into my business. 
I want to be the change,
the one small change in society, 
and the one small change in someone's life whenever possible. 

Despite having to conform to social norm,
I still believe that we can still make some changes,
that is socially acceptable 
to make our life a more meaningful one. 
And I will never stop trying, 
to be the changing agent in life and bring new ideas to people who really understands it. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Belated birthday gift

Got this container of biscuit from my one and only kor for my birthday.
I'm really thankful to have him in my life and getting to know him from playing game is really a blessing. Without him, I don't even think my business is going to run as smoothly
and I can totally imagine myself being 4x lazier than how I am now. 
So glad that he finally gotten himself a seemingly really good girlfriend. 
Hopefully, he don't get two timed again for being nice.
Wishing him all the best and also hoping that I can have him in the business for many more years to come! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Loads of happiness, Tons of stress, Zero confidence

Starting off this blog post on a happy note, 
YAY I got into a rather prestige early intervention centre that is so super near my house. Thanks to people who were all encouraging me to attend the interview and of course really thankful for the centre principle to be willing to give me a chance despite the fact that I listed down my weakness during interview. Never knew that my cheerful character was the thing that got me this job anyway. 

First day of internship is arriving. Despite all the happiness in being posted to such an awesome centre, this deal comes with a whole lot of stress for me. 
Two and a half year in this course has never been easy for me, and I did not excel in it in any way no matter what. Having another new assistant teacher who is 8 years older than me with two years experience, degree in banking and finance is not helping with the stress at all. 

But I know, no one is born to be good in everything,
we all learn through time and failures. 
And so, I'm ready for mine. To grow and learn over this three months by allowing myself to make necessary mistakes and just keep my heads up and go through the three months. 
I believe at the very end, I may not be the best in this field, 
but at least, 
I will definitely be better than I am now. 
All the best to myself!!
 A 2.6 GPA person has nothing to lose anyway. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014


例如: 生孩子的痛。怀胎十个月的痛。生完孩子的痛。这些痛,与复杂的心情是男人所不能理解的。毕竟,抱着这些痛,24小时照常过日子的,仍然是女人。




Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Just me and me ranting


Yupp, so this is me and the forever bitchy me.
So of course, having a blog means having a place for me to rant and so this is it~ 
If seeing me rant and complain bothers you, 
Well, then too bad. 
You just lost an opportunity to know me better and 