Friday, September 30, 2016

Your No Bill Of Rights - 'The Power Of No'

Chanced upon this really great book 'The Power of No' By James Altucher and Claudia Azula  Altucher, and decided to start drawing out all the really good sayings from each chapter and keep it in track here. If you are a person who have issue saying no to things that are bad for you just like me, this is a great book to go for. 

No is an incredibly painful, brave word to say. 
But we have the right to say no. Here are some that I felt I really needed to know out of the listed 10 in the book.  

1. You Have the Right to Healthy relationships and Real Love

' We are entitled to choose our tribes, regardless what society impose on us. We decide who in our life drains us of energy and then purge them so we can soar. '

Yes. Pretty much for me, to start surrounding myself with positive energy and saying no to people whom I know is draining me off my positiveness. 

2. You Have the Right to Choose What Stories you Believe in 
'Humans are great storytellers. There are thousands of common stories that are baked into our societal mythology and that we believe are real. Like owning a home, having a cushy jobs etc. 
You are entitled to say NO to the stories that do not serve your own evolution, and yes only to the ones that align with your ability to manifest a fulfilling life. This protects you from the seven billion people who want to keep you in line. '

Yes. End of the day, there will be many people around you giving you different advice in all the different situations you meet. But end of the day, we are all entitled to say no to the beliefs people try to build into us that we know deep down isn't what we will agree to. 

3. You have the Right to Be Honest, Above All, with Yourself 
' You are entitled to saying NO to wearing a mask in order to get people to like you. '

' You can trust the way you are is fine, that your honesty is what attract others to you, and that your truth is what lights your internal fire. ' 
Your honesty - Saying no to the lying - is what will bring the lost ships home.
I live all this while thinking that my honesty is what killed me. Only for me to realise, it isn't me being honest that made me lose my job and the people around me. In fact, thanks to being honest, it helped me get away people who aren't good for my life to begin with. 

4. You Have the Right to Be Here Now

' You are entitled to say NO to time travelling. Angers and regrets are in the past. Anxieties and worries are in the future. Travelling to the past or the future will not help you now. 

You have the right to say no to what is not happening right now. It will never solve your future problems but will always sap your present strengths. '

Time travelling is what I am always good at. What will happen 5 years down the road if I get together with this guy? Why did I say that yesterday? What should I say to my colleague when I see him tomorrow about the incident? I never ever live in the present, I am constantly worried about what will happen tomorrow, and always regretting what I said and did the day before that seemed to make others unhappy yesterday. Then to be reminded what is done cannot be undone, worrying now don't solve tomorrow's issue. In fact, im losing moments that I can use to do more productive shits that can really make tomorrow better. 

5. You Have the Rights to Surrender 
' You are entitled to surrender even the ideas you have formed about yourself. This is the ultimate No: Saying NO to what you think you are. 
It means that you need to surrender to the road. You reach out and trust that a loving hand will grab hold of you and guide you to take that first step. 
There is nobody you need to impress. There is nobody who is judging you. And there will be nobody who can stop you. 
One step at a time, the journey will take where you need to go. '
 The paragraph that made me kept reading on. Totally what I needed. Stop planning for everything, stop being scared of taking the step forward, to ask for help, to allow people into my life to bring me where I should go. And most importantly, just go with the flow. And saying no to what I think I am or I should say, what I think I cannot be and believe that I am because I can. 

3 comments: said...

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