Time flies and 2014 has came to an end.
It has been an eventful year with lots of drama, but still, thanks to all this drama and people who go through the drama with me, I believe I have grown up a little more again this year and so, I would like to give thanks to people who have been through hell with me and tolerate the hell I gave.
Especially, these people..
(For easier reference, look for your picture if applicable.)
Xmas dinner @ greenhouse 2014 |
First of all. of course, I am thankful for my family to be still here with me through 2014 and we are all safe and healthy throughout the year. I am so glad that with some effort each of them put in, we are more bonded than we used to be. More buffet to go together!
Thanks sis for getting the watch as my belated birthday present plus Christmas present the moment you got your bonus! Really appreciate that! Feels blessed to have you to sleep beside me every day almost every night because I was still scared and went to sleep with lao ma when u went JB. (though you always steal my blanket and pillow). Hope you stay healthy and happy in 2015 too.
*stay retard too!*
Birthday 2014 #throwback #notenoughrecentphoto
嗨老妈!也很感激你在2014年里的照顾,和做我们家的免费劳工 plus ATM。 虽然你最近都花很久坐在那里吹头发,还是很亲幸自己能有像你一样 in 的老妈。 谢谢你在这一年来,不断给我的支持,教我那么多人生道理。也对我一年来一直换来换去的男朋友都那么好, 等你有第二春,我也会对他好的。但是最好长帅一点啦! 谢谢你接受我的懒惰,但还是希望,改天别忘了洗我的校服,少洗一天,第二天先排我的衣服吧!就是暗示你明年还是要做一个 in 的黄脸婆咯! 希望你永保青春哦!

Following my family member, I would of course like to extend my thanks to this yao xiu pua peh boy that make my 2014 so much more stressful yet meaningful at the same time. (sorry the photo is a must have). I still miss your long hair last time though, ur camera came a little late i guess. But still, thank you for spending tons of money on me even if it means that you get near to none for yourself. Hope you are not too sad $20 fly cause i gave the lotion to my mum. xD Maybe we didn't end on the live happily ever after note, and no one knows what will happen next, I am still thankful for your numerous attempts to change yourself. Maybe looking back at the photos, you will also realise that you have lost some stuff and hopefully, you also gain so stuff along the way! Thank you for still staying by regardless of what happen. Well you got the longest post up till now, so not that bad I guess. Hope that 2015 will be a more fulfilling and meaningful year for you too!

Yes. Next grateful person I have in 2014 is you. Thanks for staying by with me over the two years and being always available though I went mia for the past 1 year and only started contacting you back later this year. It is good to know that you are still here with me somehow or another. Apparently good for you, cause you didnt seem to age at all under comparison from the photo on the left which was in 2011 and on the right which was somewhere in 2014 where we first met again for movie. Thankful that you are still alive and so is my cat lol, but unfortunately your ted dont look as shiny anymore liao lol. Since you so busy this year, its your turn to arrange time out in 2015 already okays.
Stay handsome, stay safe, keep growing at your own pace! Please look older a little man. Sian.
Next up, thanks kor for being with me through 2014 and not forgetting me even when you have a girlfriend. So thankful that I have you with me through thick and thin in business and always having someone to rely on for opinion. Thanks for accepting me for who I am though I can really be very naggy and harsh at most situation. But really, only you can tame me and let me calm down. All the best to you and your girlfriend. Keep doing better and I will catch up with your success soon again in 2015 okays!
First friend to credit after all the special people is of course you la!
Who apparently escaped to china and abandon me and your bf alone here in Singapore to countdown ourself. Still, good to know you for five years. Thanks for always maintaining our friendship no matter how much I mia lol. Also, its so good to have a lazt friend and another house that is so near to mine to roll around. Thankful that your mum and cousin is always so welcoming to me and make me feel at home. Please gain some weight in 2015 so I won't look so fat. I love you babe. Just joking.
Next next, is to thank this girl right here that I didn't had any recent photo with and still owe birthday plus christmas present person. Thanks for being with me in 2014, always encouraging me and rejoicing over my small tiny baby steps in anything. Though I am very naggy and harsh everytime, thanks for still staying with me and go through all the shit I give you in project and being with me with every relationship issues I have. I can't express how bless I am to have you in the past 1 and a half year, Hope to have you in 2015 too so I can learn more and more things! I promise I will give you your present le la HAHAHAHAH. Meet up soon and you stay pretty and not too kind okays. <3
Apart from all the people that I have picture with, I am more than thankful for the people who has made a very big and positive impact throughout 2014, and they are:
Teachers and children of EIC: Thanks for making my internship so meaningful and enriching. despite of all hell I got, I can't even speak more proper English now.
Staff of Phillips (esp my partner Andy): So, I got into Phillips as a part timer and joined several events in this year after working for them during carnival. Though it seems like a ordinary work environment, the people here are just so friendly and helpful with heir individual interesting characteristics. Thanks for my packing partner who always tolerate my shits and mistake, fine, next time jio you go eat something kkays. When my pay comes in. HAHAHA. Thanks my boss Joseph for sharing some EQ concept with me and I really learnt a lot over just the short few events.
Siong wei: Thank you for offering me the camera at such a good price eh. And also the dry cabinet that I didnt had a time to properly thank you on. Would get you something soon if I can start working for tekmedia again! And also, the meal the other time! Stay handsome and healthy in 2015!
Eugene: Damn you Eugene, for annoying me one year with texts and also invites on LoL. But oh manz, it was still so good to have you to constantly harass me and letting me know that you care. I hope you stay annoying in 2015 dude and don;t you dare stop trying to harass me! We Will meet up soon hahaha.
Foursome: Dear randall, Wilson and Daryl, Thanks so much for the outing yesterday. Was so good to meet you guys again after so long. (Fine, i admit it was long), hopefully in 2015, we meet up more often and don't end ourselves up not meeting for 1 year plus again okays. Thanks for all the joy and Krsipy Creme Daryl! Too lazy to import the photo from my phone to the computer. Sorry guise, See your on January and Randall plan the damn staycation kays. Love your too!
Tekmedia: Thankful for tekmedia because they bring me up in sales for so long, ever protecting me and giving me lots of benefits and care during work especially Joe. I am wishing so bad to be able to work for your again soon manz, Still, hopefully, I get to meet you guys soon again in 2015.
My GYSS Senior with our never came true outing: Yes, Xun Quan, kenneth, Wei Long and Ben koh, thank you guys for ever giving me false hope that we will be meeting up lo. But still, hoping that 2015 will be a good year ahead for your and PLEASE LA MEET UP SOON LA. PIANG EH.
My secondary school rubbish friends: YIYANG, HONG ZHI AND JOANNE. Damn you guys ungrateful child, didn't even contact or arrange meet up for the past months and near to 1 year. Especially Joanne, she forgot to give me and pamela christmas present lo pls. But still, guys, chinese new year mus meet and come my house take $2 hong bao kays, Love your!
And thanks for everyone else who exists in my life but I can't finish crediting because it is already 12.22am and this post is so late. Wish all of your a good 2015 ahead!